Dancing Rainbow Giraffe Snapchat Filter

Snapchat filters have become extremely popular. There are Snapchat filters for almost anything you can imagine. The newest type of Snapchat filter is arguably the coolest.

Dancing Rainbow Giraffe Snapchat Filter

AR Snapchat filters add a 3D object, usually an animal or your Bitmoji, to your surroundings using the camera. The most recent addition is the rainbow dancing giraffe Snapchat Filter.

How to Get The Rainbow Dancing Giraffe on Snapchat

The rainbow dancing giraffe is the newest filter to hit Snapchat. This filter adds a wild giraffe that whips his long neck around dancing. In addition to dancing, the giraffe is also part chameleon as he changed different colors. This color changing giraffe has captivated Snapchat users.

Here is how you can get the rainbow dancing giraffe Snapchat Filter…

To get the rainbow dancing giraffe Snapchat Filter you will need to open your Snapchat app and activate lenses by tapping on the screen. Once activated, a list of filters will appear at the bottom of the screen. Look for this icon:

Dancing Rainbow Giraffe Snapchat Filter

When you select this icon the rainbow dancing giraffe will appear on your screen. Here is what it will look like:

Dancing Rainbow Giraffe Snapchat Filter

Comment below if you love the dancing rainbow giraffe filter on Snapchat!

1 comment

  1. What is the Song on The Giraffe Snapchat Filter? - OTLSM

    […] Snapchat offers a wide variety of AR Filters. Although some of these filters involve your Bitmoji, most add a character or crazy animal to your surroundings. One of the most popular AR filter today is the Dancing Rainbow Giraffe Snapchat filter. […]

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