EY Brace Yourself The Freshman are Coming Snapchat Filter

Lots of businesses use snapchat filters to market their brand. Recently a new business is marketing itself. 

The most recent brand is actually an organization that celebrated people who live and work to make the world a better place by living and working by certain standards. This organization is called EY. Below you will find a description of the EY brace yourself the freshman are coming snapchat filter, along with an image of the filter. 

What is The EY Brace Yourself The Freshman Are Coming Snapchat Filter?

The EY brace yourself the freshman are coming snapchat filter is fairly basic. The filter starts off with some bold text at the bottom of the filter that reads “brace yourself the freshman are coming.” In the upper left hand corner of the filter is a logo that has EY with a yellow triangle above it. Some might wonder what this logo is. It is actually an organization with a good cause, check them out by clicking here

Happy Snapping!