Google Hangouts vs. Face Time

Most apple users are familiar with the application Face Time. Which allows you to speak to friends and family face to face. Google also gives you the ability to do this through  an application called Google Hangouts. The two applications accomplish the same goal. They both allow you to see the face of the person you are speaking with. But there are some differences that you can find.

To start off FaceTime is produced by Apple and can only be used on Apple devices. To acces FaceTime both the caller and the called upon must have an apple device. To start a FaceTime you either begin with a normal call then transfer to a FaceTime, or go to the contact you would like to speak with, then click the FaceTime icon instead of the phone icon.
Once a FaceTime  has begun it is pretty strait forward, just talk, nothing fancy. Where as on hangouts you have plentiful options to choose from. With Google hangouts you have the ability to talk to more than one person at a time. Which is an advantage over FaceTime. You can also add effects, like different backgrounds, or masks to go over your face. There are also sound effects you can mess around with. These tools are just for when you want to mess around and have a good laugh. Google Hangouts also gives you option to make your chat live on YouTube. This is handy for interviews, or just sharing a conversation live to anyone who wants to watch. You can also take screenshots of yourself or the people you are chatting with.
Hangouts and FaceTime both get the job done. The job being speaking with friends and family face to face. Although they have different options and abilities. FaceTime is more suited for families and is very simple and straight forward. Hangouts can be more complicated, but also adds some new twists to the chat.
Try the two and see which is best suited for you and your needs.