How Big Will Vine Get?

     Vine has so much more potential to expand now that it is on Android. Now there will be much more creative people using the service. It also has the capability to attract businesses to advertise on it. Think about how cool it would be just to see a new product in a short six second video instead of watching a thirty second commercial before a Youtube video. There are so many options to expand using Vine. Would you rather spend ten minutes watching a hole in golf or six seconds watching each stroke? Speed is the key now and that is why sports like golf and tennis are not popular to watch on tv. Most people are too impatient to watch the two minutes between the action. There are countless ideas you can use a six second video to make information faster to get. There are a few problems with vine though.

1.  No front facing camera for Android.
2.  No way to search hashtags or keywords. 
3.  Does not rank in search.
The front facing camera issue is not as important as the no search and the fact that if you post a vine video it wont be shown in search results on Google. This will limit the business uses for the app because now you can’t use it to get people on the internet to see what you want them to see. wether it be a product or service. But because Vine is related to Twitter these major flaws will be fixed and vine will be one of the top if not the top social media app