Vine more popular than instagram?

Vine surpassed Instagram in shares on twitter yesterday. What could this mean? Is Vine bigger than Instagram? I believe that Vine will pass Instagram but not now. In the near future Instagram will be another Facebook/Myspace story being used in small towns that have fallen behind. The idea of watching a short video is much better than just a picture that’s what Google+ has accomplished with Auto Awesome. Short clips can explain what is going on by themselves plus the voices and sounds you can hear from a vine video can get more information to you than just visuals. Overall Vine is just easier than Instagram. If you wanted to get a picture of a conversation or a cat doing something funny its harder to get a picture than it is to just film a short clip and share it. One thing Vine needs to improve is the interface. It can sometimes get annoying. Plus if you have an android you cannot use the front facing camera yet. So at this moment vine is just a seedling but eventually it is going to drown out Instagram and be the dominate mobile social network.