When Will PJ Masks Season 2 Be Streaming on Netflix?

Disney and Netflix have had a very interesting relationship. Despite this, Netflix has gotten their hands on one of Disney Junior’s most popular series, PJ Masks. Below you will find a brief description of the series PJ Masks followed up by a possible Netflix release date for season 2!

When Will PJ Masks Season 2 Be Streaming on Netflix?

PJ Masks Series Overview

Netflix has begun streaming a number of great series in the past year. In addition to series such as Ozark and Stranger Things, Netflix has done a great job of adding family friendly content to complement some of their more mature content. One of the newest family friendly series to be added to Netflix is the show PJ Masks from Disney Junior. PJ Masks is a great watch for any Netflix subscriber looking for a great family friendly adventure. There is currently only one season of PJ Masks streaming on Netflix. As subscribers finish up this season they will begin asking the loaded question “when will PJ Masks season 2 be available to stream on Netflix?

When Will PJ Masks Season 2 Be Available to Stream on Netflix?

PJ Masks is a great series from Disney Junior that is full of adventure. There is currently only a single season of PJ Masks streaming on Netflix. As subscribers wrap up the first and only season of PJ Masks on Netflix, they will begin asking the big question “when will PJ Masks season 2 be available to stream on Netflix?” To answer this loaded question we must take a look at how Netflix handled the release of season one. After reviewing the data provided to us by our source at Netflix, it has been found that there is typically a one year period of time between the release of subsequent seasons of shows similar to PJ Masks. Using this data we can approximate a possible Netflix release date for PJ Masks season 2. PJ Masks season 2 should be streaming on Netflix by November 2018. Comment below if you are ready for PJ Masks season 2 to be streaming on Netflix ASAP!


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  3. Anonymous

    Please save my sanity my 1 year old has seen every episode more then 30 times. I can nearly mimic every word

    1. Anonymous

      Oh, I can relate. My g’baby is starting to act every episode as she watches it. This is even with limiting her to a few episode a day.

  4. Tabby Garcia

    We need season two !

  5. Angel May Hunter

    Please my 4 year old need season two ASAP. He knows all the episodes and all the wording to them we need something new if he’s to hold on to this love of PJ masks.

  6. Anonymous

    we need season 2 much faster than that!!

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