Will Youtube Get Beat Out By Vine?

Youtube is used by millions each day, but can vine beat out this giant and take the top spot for video sharing? This all depends on the decisions that vine makes later. Right now the answer would be no. It is lacking simple features that would make the app so much better. Simple additions like a keyword search, or a way to undo a section of footage. Any of those would have a huge impact. Another problem I see with vine is the fact that It doesn’t rank in search. Youtube videos on the other hand will show up on the first pages of a google search if you search the keyword. With vine videos you have to find whoever made the vine then find the video, or just find it on twitter. If google were to come out with a youtube Short where you share six second videos, it would beat out vine for sure. But if vine adds search and finds a way to rank in google search, it would be interesting to see what happens. If vine doesn’t add new features it is just going to be another social app and never grow to be something big.