Snapchat lenses and filters have changed a lot since they were first released on the app. Snapchat lenses allow users to turn themselves into almost anything they can imagine. The most recent snapchat lens filter turns you into an animal. The most recent lens turns you into a baby lamb. Below you can find a description of the baby lamb with big eyes snapchat lens along with an image of the lens applied.
Baby Lamb With Big Eyes Snapchat Lens Filter
The baby lamb with big eyes snapchat lens turns you into a cute little baby lamb. The lens works by adding a number of elements together to make you look like a baby lamb. The lens adds a pair of little horns along with a little lamb nose. The funniest part of the lens is the little lamb ears that appear to be blowing in the wind. The lens also morphs your eyes to make them look larger. This lens is one of the cutest lenses that snapchat has ever released. Let me know what you think of the lens by commenting below.