When vine came out on android it was a huge hit. The idea of sharing a short video instead of a picture appealed to a lot of people. Google took made its own version, but instead of a video it is an animation. Many of you may know about Auto Awesome and how cool some of them are but in reality, vine is just easier and faster. With Auto Awesome you just take a series of pictures with small changes in them and it stitches them into a short, or long, animation. Auto Awesome also can create panoramic pictures. This is similar to vine but defiantly not an imitation. Vine is more of a video sharing service than a clever photography trick. But now that it is on android. I can see many, much more clever, users starting to use it in better ways. My uncle and I believe that vine has much more potential and will grow to be much bigger than it is now. So Google did make a short animation feature but I don’t believe it was an attempt to beat out vine. They are just doing what Google does, which is make cool, fun things to help people out.