Kayaking the Neuse River in Raleigh in August
First Quarter Mile
The Neuse river is a generally river that flows from the tail race of falls lake dam all the way to the Pamilico sound. Depending on the flow you may or may not be able to safely navigate the river. At high water, which ranges between seven hundred and four thousand cubic feet per second, the tail race immediately downstream of the dam turns into a quarter mile section of class III plus whitewater. This water is extremely dangerous to paddlers who are not equipped for those turbulent conditions. At lower water, below seven hundred cubic feet per second, this upper quarter mile section turns into a maze of rocks and extremely shallow water. In august the water level is rarely above three hundred cubic feet per second so if you want to attempt to navigate the upper quarter mile you can give it a try. Most paddlers and tubers run the section that starts just below this first quarter mile.
Below First Quarter Mile
What to Expect in August
In August the Neuse river is warm and it is a great experience if you have never tried kayaking a river. In August both the air temperature and the water temperature are very comfortable. You can kayak, canoe or tube down the river at this time of year. If you do not have your own kayaks you can rent them from a local outfitter.