Nerve Dare 1 Get a Tattoo Snapchat Lens 

You may be wondering what the nerve dare one snapchat lens is all about. The simple answer to this question is marketing.

The nerve dare 1 snapchat lens is marketing for the movie nerve that comes out this year. This movie is an action mystery. Below you will find a description of the nerve dare 1 get a tattoo snapchat lens along with an image of the lens.

What is The Nerve Dare 1 Get a Tattoo Snapchat Lens?

The nerve dare 1 snapchat lens is promoting the release of the movie nerve. The lens created a cyberspace sort of environment by making it look like an old command prompt. The nerve movie logo is in the corner of the lens. Once activated an animated tattoo gun will tattoo your face. 

Happy Snapping!