The latest snapchat update in 2016 allows users to let snapchat know about their birthday. By doing this they are opening up a number of doors for their snapchat usage on their big day. By allowing snapchat to know about your birthday you will begin receiving plenty of exclusive content to add to your snapchat experience. The process to set all of this up is extrmely simple and will take no more than two minutes of your time to complete. If you want these new features to be available to you on snapchat read below about how to set up the feature and a more in depth look at what new features this update will include.
How to Get The Birthday Cake Emoji and Exclusive Lenses and Filters For Your Birthday on Snapchat
If you want to set up the Birthday Party feature on snapchat don’t worry, the process is easy and will take you no time at all. To activate the birthday features on snapchat and get exclusive happy birthday lenses as well as a few more features, all you have to do is follow this short list of instructions. When I say short list of instructions I mean one step. All you have to do to get the birthday party features on snapchat is go into the settings of the snapchat app then click birthday. When you click birthday you will be presented with a screen where you can put in your birthday and enable birthday features on the snapchat app. You must enable Birthday Party in order to access the exclusive birthday features on snapchat.
Features of the Snapchat Happy Birthday Party Update 2016
When you enable the birthday party feature of the 2016 snapchat update you will be granted with tons of new features that will enhance your snapchat experience. But these features will only be available on your birthday every year. When you enable the birthday feature of the new snapchat update you will get a cake emoji next to your username on snapchat. The cake emoji for your birthday on snapchat will be visible to people who have added you. This way they will know it is your birthday and send you happy birthday snaps. The 2016 birthday party update also allows you to use an exclusive lens on the day of your birthday. This allows you to share with all your friends that it is your birthday. After your big day is over the happy birthday snapchat lens will no longer be available. You will also receive an exclusive snapchat filter to celebrate your birthday. Just like the birthday snapchat lens, the birthday snapchat filter will only be available to users on the day of their birthday. As soon as the clock strikes midnight on their birthday, the filter, lens, and cake emoji will no longer be available. All of these features will only be available if you enable them in the settings. So be sure that you enable these features before your next birthday so you can enjoy the features of the 2016 birthday party snapchat update.
Happy Snapping!