Snapchat lenses allow snapchat users to apply cool effects to their selfies on snapchat. Some snapchat lenses even add animations and can be activated by opening your mouth or raising your eyebrows.
Some of the recent snapchat lenses have started to try to mimic make up. The extremely thick make up snapchat lens was the first snapchat lens to mimic make up. Now we have another make up lens to add to the quiver of snapchat lenses available to snapchat users. The newest make up themed lens is called the Big Mouth With Purple Lipstick Snapchat Lens. This lens allows you to increase the size of your mouth and add some purple lipstick to your enlarged lips. Below you will find a description of the big mouth with purple lipstick snapchat lens.
Big Mouth With Purple Lipstick Snapchat Lens Overview
The big mouth with purple lipstick snapchat lens allows snapchat users to spice up their selfies by supersizing their mouth and adding some funky purple lipstick. This lens is one that can not be activated so no matter how many times you open your mouth or raise your eyebrows nothing new or hidden is going to appear. The only thing this lens does is morph your face and add some new lips. This lens morphs your mouth and lips to be much larger then their normal size. The lens also adds some animated purple lips over top of your natural lips. Give this lens a try and see how many funky selfies you can take.
To see more snapchat lenses CLICK HERE
Happy Snapping!