Animal snapchat lenses such as the dog snapchat lens and the panda snapchat lens became extremely popular with the snapchat community. The panda snapchat lens was very realistic compared to the dog snapchat lens.
The collection of animal inspired snapchat lenses has been growing more and more every day. Snapchat has been adding one new snapchat lens every day for the passed few weeks, as well as swapping out some of the older ones with some that have been removed in the past. One of the first animal snapchat lenses to be released was the chameleon lizard eating fly with tongue snapchat lens. This lens allows snapchat users to make it appear as though they are a lizard eating a fly with its tongue. Some people have said that this lens looks more like a green monster than a chameleon. Below you will find an overview of the chameleon eating fly with tongue snapchat lens along with a picture of the filter in use.
Chameleon Eating Fly With Tongue Snapchat Lens Overivew
The chameleon eating fly with tongue snapchat lens allows snapchat users to turn themselves into a chameleon lizard and even catch a fly with their chameleon tongue. Chameleons are known for their ability to change color, as well as catch insects with their extremely long tongue. The lens stars out by applying a mask to the snapchat users face. The mask covers the entire face except for the eye holes and the mouth hole. The chameleon has green scales. Once activated, a realistic looking tongue will spring from the snapchat users mouth and smack against the screen, sandwiching a fly between the tongue and the screen. This lens is pretty cool and I recommend checking it out while it is still available.
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Happy Snapping!