Snapchat lenses are available in a variety of different styles. There are snapchat lenses with animations and snapchat lenses that morph your face into different shapes.
Snapchat lenses allow snapchat users to spice up their snapchat selfies. The flaming skull snapchat allows snapchat users to turn themselves into a skull with a fire inside of it. This lens is not the first snapchat lens that turns you into a skull. But it is the first skull snapchat lens with fire. Below you will find a description of the flaming skull with fire snapchat lens along with an image of the lens applied.
Flaming Skull Snapchat Lens Overview
The flaming skull on fire snapchat lens allows snapchat users to turn themselves into a skull with fire inside of it. The lens starts by applying a black and white filter to the screen. Next the lens ads an animated skull face to your face. The skull is not very realistic. It has a cartoon or facepaint look to it. The flaming skull snapchat lens can be activated by raising your eyebrows and opening it mouth. Once activated, a flame will light inside the eyes and come out the eyes and cheek bones of the skull.
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Happy Snapping!