Snapchat lenses are getting more and more creative. The pink headband exercise weight loss snapchat lens allows snapchat users to make it appear as though they have put on a few pounds, then remove it by lifting little purple dumbbells. The work out lens has a lot of little things all going on at once in the lens. This lens is great for those lazy people out there who want to make a joke about their laziness by using the exercise snapchat lens to make it look like they are working out. Below you will find a description of the pink headband exercise snapchat lens.
Pink Headband Exercise Lifting Weights Snapchat Lens Overview
The pink headband exercise weight loss snapchat lens allows you to make it appear as though you are loosing weight by working out in your pink headband. The lens starts off by morphing your face so that it looks like you have a few extra pounds. The lens also gives you a pink headband that covers your forehead. In addition to the morphed face and the pink headband, there are also a pair of animated hands that are holding dumbbell weights. The arms of the hands are moving the weights up and down which makes it look like you are lifting weights. This lens can be activated by simply opening your mouth. When you do so, your eyes will start to glow pink and the arms holding the weights will start to lift the weights faster. As all of this is happening, your face will morph back to its normal shape. This creates the appearance that you are loosing weight. After the activation is complete, your face will gain the weight back, and the arms will lift the weights at a slower pace.
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Happy Snapping!