Snapchat lenses continue to br released daily. The snapchat lens discussed in this article is the first snapchat lens based off of a food. More specifically a vegetable.
The red tomato head snapchat lens allows snapcjat users to turn themselves into a plump ripe tomato. This is the first snapchat lens that is based off of a food. This lens used a combination of animations and morphing to make the effect work. Below you will find a description of the red tomato head snapchat lens along with an image if the lens applied.
Red Tomato Head Snapchat Lens Overview
The tomato head snapchat filter allows snapchat users to turn themselves into a tomato. When I first saw the lens I thought that it turned you into a strawberry. However, when I activated the lens it became clear that it was a tomato. The lens starts off by adding a red filter that makes everything have a red tint to it. The lens also morphs your head so that it is round. When it gets round it creates the effect of a tomato head. The last touch the lens adds is a tomato stem to the top of your head. Many people may ask what fruit or vegetable the snapchat lens is? The answer to that question is a tomato, not a strawberry. I k ow this because when the lens is activated, by opening your mouth, a waterfall of tomato slices falls from your mouth.
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Happy Snapping!
Shanwna McPherson
It’s a strawberry!!?
you dumb butt its a damn TOMATO!
A tomato is classed as a fruit, not a vegetable. Same goes for peppers