Snapchat is a mobile app that allows you to send pictures and videos to friends that can only be viewed once. You can also send instant messages and even video chat live. One of the most beloved features of Snapchat is the Snapchat Streak.
What Is A Snapchat Streak?
Snapchat users may notice a fire emoji next to some of their friends names in snapchat. The fire emoji represents a streak. A streak in snapchat is defined as three days in a row in which you and a friend snap each other. The number next to the streak tells you how many consecutive days you and a friend have snapped each other. The fire emoji streak will appear when you have snapped three days in a row. Once you have started a streak the goal is to keep the streak alive for as long as possible. Many people try to keep their streaks going for as long as possible. Sometimes the streaks will end even if you have still snapped the person. Below you will find the answer to why did my snapchat streak disappear.
How to Keep A Snapchat Streak Going For as Long as Possible
Snapchat streaks are lead a delicate existence. For this reason it is important that you nurture your Snapchat streaks and be extra sure that you follow these steps every day.
- Be sure to send your Snapchats early so that the recipients have plenty of time to respond.
- Send multiple Snapchats to the recipients so that there does not happen to be a glitch in the algorithm.
- Send snaps that the recipients are going to respond to (not mandatory but helpful).
- Watch out for the Hourglass Emoji. This means the streak is almost up.
- Remind your friends to Snap back if they don’t want the streak to end.
- Don’t forget. Don’t get caught up in your day and forget to send snaps.
Why Did My Snapchat Streak Disappear?
There are a number of different ways a snapchat streak can end. The most common way for a streak on snapchat to disappear is because someone didn’t remember to snap. It only takes one missed day for a snapchat streak to end. Sometimes your snapchat streak will end even if you snap someone. This is because your either you or your friend didn’t snap back or reply to your snap. Even if you snap your friend your streak could still end. It is unfortunate but one slip up could end your 300+ day streak on snapchat. Snapchat streaks are fun to keep going. So when one disappears it makes you want to get a higher streak on snapchat.
How do I Know if My Snapchat Streak is About to End? What Does The Hourglass Emoji Mean on Snapchat?
Snapchat will give you a heads up if your two hundred day long streak is in jeopardy of ending. If you look at the emojis next to the conversations, right next to the streak emoji with the number you will see an hourglass emoji gif appear. The gif will show the hour glass turning over and sand running through it. This is the sign that it has nearly been 24 hours since you have snapped that person and your streak will disappear soon. If you see this hourglass emoji it is important that you get a snap sent to that person as soon as possible and let them know that if they do not reply in time, your precious streak will be over. If you have to send them a text or call them to reply.
How Long Was The Longest Snapchat Streak Ever? World Record Snapchat Streak?
Many people have made it their goal to have the longest Snapchat streak possible. Some people actually determine the strength of their friendships by the length of their Snapchat streak. Regardless of the reason for the fascination with the Snapchat Streak, they are extremely fun to maintain and keep going. There have been a number of extremely long Snapchat streaks recorded throughout Snapchat’s recent history; however, there can only be one world record Snapchat streak. The longest Snapchat streak ever recorded ended on January 15th, 2018. The streak lasted for 921 days. That is nearly three years of sending Snapchat’s almost every day.
Do Snapchat Chats Count Toward My Snapchat Streak?
A common question asked about Snapchat streaks asks “do chats on Snapchat count toward my Snapchat Streak?” The answer to this question is no. The only way that you can maintain a streak on Snapchat is to send snaps (pictures) back and forth. If you or the recipient does not snap back within a 24 hour period, the streak will end and disappear.
Comment below how long your longest Snapchat streak is right now. Maybe you can beat the world record!
Happy Snapping!
Hi if my friend goes on holiday and I snap them everyday but they don’t snap back will I still loose our streak
Yes, both you and your friend need to snap each other in order to keep your streak.
snapchat expert
Yeah, they have to send you at least one a day, (same to you for them), in order to keep the streak
Lauren Madison
Yes they have to snap back
Diana Berky
Yes you will you both have to snap each other to not lose that streak
felicity woolley
Yea unless someone keeps their streaks up for them, by logging into their acc while they’re gone.
If my friend snapchats me and i dont open the snap but i snapchat them back do i still keep my streak?
I want to know that too!
Yes. I do that all the time!
You have to open it for it to be counted!
I snapped my best friend yesterday and we got to 100, now today it’s gone?? Is there a way to get it back?!
You can’t get it back :((( you just have to start over, it sucks
Next time, go to if you think it ended by mistake. They could get it back for you
I had a 200 day streak and it randomly disappeared even when we both snapped each other
It happend to me aswell my friends can see our streak but i can’t and all of my streaks went invisible at the same time but they are still active
I have a 907 day streak and it’s still there,nothing is wrong with it??????
Hi my friends Snapchat account is locked for a day and we have a 103 day snap streak so will we lose this snap streak??
yes because ur friend has to reply
If I change phone but keep my memory card and those, think it will dissapear? Or will it be kept If I log in on te same account?
No! My friend went on vacation and I’m logging into his account everyday to keep the streaks going as long as you know your username and password which can be ajusted in settings you should be fine:)
My streak disappeared on my phone but not my friends phone… How do I get it back
Just GP to settings on youtube phone and set the time to 1d back, send a snap and then set back to today!
Brian Byrne
Does texting on blue keep your streak ?
Both my friend and I sent snaps. We both actually sent multiple pictures yet we lost our 96 day streak. How could that happen?
We and my bf lost our 46 day streak and we don’t know how it’s even possible because we send multiple snaps to each other every day
I have lost 5 streaks from this so far and whenever I look it shows that the day before we both snapchatted eachother so how is it possible we lost our streak
Hi. I was on a streak with my friend and than we were on 194 and than it disappeared but we did streak in the morning and this night and I have noticed it has disappeared?? Why
My friend and me are at 54 and I still have mine but hers disappeared. How did mine stay and hers go?? We both snapped each other over 40 times today and then she noticed hers went away. Why did hers go away??
Sometimes my friend tells me noooo we lost our streak but then on my phone it says we havnt then it appears back on her phone again weird right ?!
I don’t get it , so both people have to send two pictures each or just one a day?
Austin devos
Hey I had a snapchat streak! We talked in the 24 hours and it still disappeared! Not impressed at all can you please help get it back?
Once a streak is gone you can’t restore you’ll have to start again I know it’s annoying
Once a streak is gone you can’t restore you’ll have to start again I know it’s annoying
I had a 24 day streak with someone and when we started talking on the texting part of snapchat not with pictures, we lost it why is that???
Once ou have a strike going all you have to do is send a pic and it we’ll change by itslef or do you have to keep sending pic tell you see the number change ??
I just lost our 102 streak despite exchanging text, snap, vdo snap etc. i lost amore in keeping a streak again – DO SOMETHING WITH IT SNAPCHAT – like a sort of snapping rapidly to recover the days lost and bring it back to its number in streak bavk!
Luis Cortez
Me and my friends SC streak disappeared even when we would Reply to each other’s SC daily and message for hours why did this happen?
If i change my number,will my streak end?
Me and my friend were at a 100 day streak today and we both sent streaks to EACHOTHER and it disappears can I get it back???
Me and my friend snap chatted each other yesterday and we reached a 99 snap streak. Today was meant to be our 100th day but it just disappeared, this doesn’t make sense as I wake up early to do my streaks and do them every day. I’m even doing my other friends streaks while they’re on holiday, I’m not pleased about this I’ve seen many people who have the same problem so maybe snapchat should fix the streaks a bit?
will my streak disappear if i log out of my SC?
No, just as long as you remember to somehow snap them back within 24 hours to keep the streak going
I had a snap streak with my partner of 179 and then I snapped her all night and it didn’t change! Is there a way I can get it back or phone them to tell them how disappointed I am?
Ysabella cortez
My chat streak ended 10 hours early it was a 185 day streak!!
I lost ALL 40 of my streaks for no reason because Snapchat glitched so either get them back or I will delete snapchat
Layla miller
Alright so me and my friend had a 77 day streak on Snapchat but then it disappeared we snapped each other that day I snapped her she snapped me and the little hourglass thing did not show up so therefore we were not going to lose our streak then I woke up this morning and sent her a snap and it wasn’t there please give me back my streak because we did not lose it you took it
You can’t get it back, sorry bitch.
Wait how long can we survive without sending streaks? 24 Hours? OR less?
Emilie Desbiens
I just lost my 306 day snapstreak with my bestfriend because my snapchat was lagging and I couldn’t answer! Is it possible to get it back somehow? Because thus both ruined our days and it’s all because of my shitty phone! Can I somehow report this to snapchat and they gove it back?
I have snapchated this girl for about a week now in censecutive days and there is no streak # just ?
me and my friends chatted at night and when i woke up in the morning it disappeared, i wish the streak was there forever and u could miss a day or week and it still stay the same until you snap each other back and it goes to the next day you had of what the streak was on
Hi I’ve just lost a 150 day snapstreak but I know we both snapped each other within 24 hours how can I get it back
I got locked out of my snapchat, and can’t get back in. Will I lose my streaks?
I had a 50 day streak and we snapped all day and somehow lost are streak .. how could this have happened???
By reading your comments I just realised something. Depending on where you live the time zones will be different than snapchats (I’m not sure how it works because it’s done on a 24 time zone) Make sure you snap every day and night and it will garentue to work
i lost my phone earlier today around 2:30-2:40 pm and i have to wait till tomorrow at 7:00 in the morning to get it back, do you think my streaks will disappear or will they be fine because i really don’t wanna lose my streaks for my 3rd time…
I lost my streak and the timer didnt show up And I had a lot of streaks with my friend and I lost it without know it
I lost my streaks and the timer didn’t show up and I had a lot of streaks with my friend and I lost it without know it
Do I have to open the other persons Snapchat for the streak to stay? Because my friend is on holiday and I’m doing her streaks for her. What if one of her friend sends her something that she needs to see.
yes , the streak will stay as long as you send a snapchat
My snap chat streaks disappeared after 219 days even i snapped the person everyday withen 24 hrs, but the heart emoji is next to the persons name not the number i dont get it why nd how can i het my streaks back with the same person asap
Can a streak go on if the other person sent one regular message just one ?
Two of my snap chat streaks died and I’m not sure why because we both snapped each other every day as normal, is there any way you can give our streak back to us??
Also my super bestfriendship has gone would you be able to restore that too???
if i send good morning streaks but forgot to do my night ones, and do my morning ones the same as always the next day, will my streaks end?