How To Get a Custom Snapchat Filter For Your Wedding

Custom snapchat filters can be created for any event you could ever think of. 

Custom snapchat filters can be created for any event. A popular event that snapchat filters are created for is a wedding. When you create a snapchat filter for a wedding you will set a geographic location that the snap chat filter will be available in. This way only people that are at your wedding can use your custom wedding snapchat filter. Below you will find  the answer to the question: “how do I get a custom snapchat filter for my wedding?”

How to Get a Custom Snapchat Filter For Your Wedding

Anyone can create their own custom wedding snapchat filter. To create yours you simply need to get in touch with someone who has graphic design or photoshop software. If you have access yourself that is great! Next you will need to go to the on demand snapchat filter website by clicking here . Be prepared to get out your wallet before your snapchat lens is created. It will cost you money to create your wedding snapchat filter. Also be sure that your wedding snapchat filter meets the guidelines for the snapchat filter. If the guidelines are not met the filter will be denied. Now you might be thinking “How much does a snapchat filter cost?” The answer to that is complex. The price of your custom snapchat filter will depend on the amount of time you want the filter to be available. 

Happy Snapping!