How to See Where Someone Was in the Past on The Snapchat Map

How to See Where Someone Was in the Past on The Snapchat Map

The new snap map feature on Snapchat gives users the ability to share their location with their friends or everyone. Users also have the ability to go into ghost mode which means nobody will be able to see where they are. The snap map is a great way for loved ones, friends and even significant others to keep track of each other. This can often cause drama. In addition to showing where you are at the moment, the map also shows where you have traveled too as well as where you were recently.

Yep thats right…

Snapchat now tells you where people have been in the past.

Use Snapchat to See Where Someone Was in the Past!

The Snapchat snap map now tells you where people were in the recent past. Im sure you have seen the notifications that show you where someone has traveled. If someone drives from Chicago to New York there will be a small compass at the bottom center of the map that when tapped will show you where people have traveled long distances.

Recently I tapped this compass to see where my friend had traveled, I noticed that another friend of mine had a card along the bottom of the screen. I swiped over to his card and found that he had not traveled anywhere but the snap map informed me that he had been at a golf course about ten miles outside of town… The card told me exactly where he was including the business name along with how long ago he had been at the location. I thought that this feature was a little creepy. But nevertheless, I can now see when my friends go to certain places on the snap map; even if they are not traveling long distances.

Comment below if you have noticed this feature on your snap map!