Snapchat Tips – How to Replay Any Snap on Snapchat Multiple Times For Free

Snapchat is a mobile app that allows its users to send short videos and pictures that can only be viewed for a short amount of time. The app is extremely popular with the younger generations. In this Article I will be discussing how you can replay any snap on snapchat multiple times.


Snapchat gives its users the ability to replay snaps on snapchat. In the past, you could only replay the most recent snap that you received. So if you wanted to replay a snap that someone sent to you two snaps ago, you could not replay that snap. With the most recent snapchat update in 2016 you have the ability to open a snap, then replay it even if you receive another snap after you open the snap you’d like to replay. In the past snaps could be replayed but you would have to pay to replay the snap. Now you can replay any snap for free. Below you will find out how to replay any snap on snapchat more than once.

How to Replay Any Snap on Snapchat Multiple Times For Free

Snapchat gives its users the ability to replay snaps that they opened once. In the past you could only replay the most recent snap you opened one time. Then it changed to you had to pay to replay a snap. Now, with the most recent update of the snapchat mobile app, you can replay any snap you have received for free. To replay any snap on snapchat you must first make sure that your snapchat app is updated to the most recent version. Next you will need to find the snap that you would like to replay. You will find the snaps that you can replay in your inbox or feed. Make sure that you have replay turned on in your settings. Once you have all of this done you can replay your snap. To replay the snap just tap and hold on the snap that you have already opened. This will make it so that you can replay or watch it again. Replaying snaps can come in handy if you accidentally tap on the screen when viewing a snap or if you get distracted and miss it. Below you will find out why replay on snapchat is not working.

Why Can’t I Replay A Snap on Snapchat?

If you are having difficulty replaying a snap on snapchat, there could be a few different explanations for this. The first possibility is that you do not have the replay feature enabled in the settings. If this is the case you can easily enable the replay feature and start replaying snaps. Another possibility is that the sender of the snap that you are trying to replay has not enabled the replay feature. When you enable the replay feature you are allowing others to replay your snaps. If you do not enable replay people will not be able to replay your snaps. If you do not want people to replay your snaps, you can prevent them from doing so by disabling the replay feature on snapchat in the settings.

Happy Snapping!