How to Tell if You are Someone’s Close Friend, Friend, or Acquaintance on Vero

How to Tell if You are Someone's Close Friend, Friend, or Acquaintance on Vero

The newest hot topic in the world of social media is Vero. This mobile social platform offers users a fresh twist on the typical social media experience. Vero claims to take the media out of social media, just leaving pure social experience. One of the most interesting features is the ability to categorize your followers or connections. People can either be an Aquaintance, a Friend, or a Close Friend.

So what is the point of this?

How to Tell if You are Someone's Close Friend, Friend, or Acquaintance on Vero

Vero allows you to either follow people or connect with them. When you connect with someone you can either categorize the person under Aquaintance, Friend, or Close Friend. This way when you want to share something you can decide which level of relationship you want to see the post. If you post something private, you can choose to only let close friends see the post. If you post something more suitable for anyone to see, you can share it with everyone.

When you connect with someone on Vero and choose whether they are an aquaintance, a friend, or a close friend, they will do the same. What is interesting is that they can add you to a different category than you put them in. For example, if you add them as a friend, they may add you as an aquaintence… This makes some users ask the question “can you tell if you are someones acquaintance, friend, or close friend on Vero?”

Lets take a look

Can You Tell if You are Someone’s Acquaintance, Friend, or Close Friend on Vero?

With the current version of Vero there is no way for you to tell if you are somebody’s Acquaintance, somebody’s Friend, or somebody’s Close Friend. What level of relationship they decide to put you in when they connect with you is completely private. Although you cannot see what category you have been put in, you can see whether your connections are an Acquaintance, Friend, or Close Friend on your end by looking at the icon next to each person’s name.

How to Tell if You are Someone's Close Friend, Friend, or Acquaintance on Vero

If you are extremely interested you can always message the person and ask. This can be a bit awkward and would be a last ditch effort, but the only way to know if you are somebody’s Acquaintance, Friend, or Close Friend is to ask them. The Vero app does not tell you where you stand. Future updates may allow us to see this data.

Comment below if you think you should be able to see if you are someone’s Acquaintance, Friend or Close Friend on Vero.