How to Change The Font Size on Vero

How to Change The Font Size on Vero

Everyone is talking about Vero, a social media platform that is supposedly supposed to replace Instagram. Vero combines all the most popular features on social media today and combines them into one app. All while posting no ads and without collecting data. A common question being asked by Vero users is “can I change the font size on Vero?”

Can You Change the Font Size on Vero?

If you have been on Vero for a while you have likely seen a number of different posts. Posts consist of some sort of media, whether it be a photo, video, link, book, song, movie, etc. Below the content of the post there will be text and a location (if provided) along with the number of likes and comments on the post.

How to Change The Font Size on Vero

On some posts you will notice that the font size of the caption is much larger than others. Why is this? If a caption consists of only one or two words, Vero increases the size of the font so that the caption pops a little more on followers feeds. One word captions are larger than two word captions, and everything after is in small font just like a normal Instagram caption.

Many users have asked if they can adjust or change the font size for their captions on Vero. Luckily you can, to a degree.

How to Get Small and Big Font on Vero

How to Change The Font Size on Vero

If you want larger text your caption can only be one or two words long. You cannot make a caption that is longer than three words have larger text. If you have a one word caption that you would like to make small, you can turn it into a hashtag. For example if your caption is dog and you want it to be smaller, make the caption #dog instead.

How to Change The Font Size on Vero

Other than this there is no way to choose a font size for the caption text on Vero. This feature may be added in the future but as of now this is what we have to work with.

Comment below if you want to be able to change the font size on Vero!