Will Fifty Shades Freed be Added to Netflix? Netflix Release Date?

Will Fifty Shades Freed be Added to Netflix? Netflix Release Date?

One of America’s best loved romance stories is the fifty shades series of films. 2018 will bring us the third movie in the series based off of the novel by the same name, Fifty Shades Freed. This movie made its debut in theaters across the United States on Valentines Day 2018. After all the hype around this movie, it delivered. Both critics and Fans of the series loved the movie just as they loved the first two installments.

Here is a brief skim of what Fifty Shades Freed is all about…

Will Fifty Shades Freed be Added to Netflix? Netflix Release Date?

Fifty Shades Freed picks up where Fifty Shades Darker left off. Christian and Ana get married and is seems as though the couple has reached a fairytale ending despite their shadowy past. Just as things seem to have calmed down, new threats make themselves known that may cause complications for Ana and Cristian. If you are a Netflix subscriber I think you will agree with me when I say that Fifty Shades Freed would make a great addition to Netflix’s collection of content. The question is, “will Fifty Shades Freed be added to Netflix?”

Will Fifty Shades Freed be Added to Netflix?

When it comes to determining which movies will be streamed on Netflix, there are a number of factors that must be taken into consideration. One of the easiest ways to tell whether or not a movie will be added to Netflix is to see whether or not the previous movie in the series was streamed on Netflix. Typically when previous movies in a series make an appearance on Netflix each subsequent movie will be added to Netflix at some point. Being that Fifty Shades of Grey was streamed on Netflix it seems likely that Fifty Shades Freed will eventually make its debut on Netflix. Netflix has not made an official announcement regarding the release of Fifty Shades Free, however it seems likely that the movie will be added.

The question is “when will Fifty Shades Freed be released on Netflix?”

Will Fifty Shades Freed be Added to Netflix? Netflix Release Date?

When Will Fifty Shades Freed be Released on Netflix? Netflix Release Date?

When it comes to determining a possible Netflix release date for a movie you must take a look at things from a business’ perspective. In order for Netflix to stream any movie they must pay a royalty fee to the producer of the film. Movies that are in high demand have a higher royalty fee which would make it unprofitable for Netflix to stream such a film.  This is the stage that Fifty Shades Freed is currently in. As time goes by, the demand for the movie will decrease and the royalty fee will become more affordable. Eventually the fee will reach a point where Netflix will find it profitable to stream the movie. It is hard to predict when a the royalty fee will reach this point as it is a closed deal with Netflix.

Although it is nearly impossible to say for certain when Fifty Shades Freed will be released on Netflix, we can make an approximation. It is safe to say that Fifty Shades Freed will be added to Netflix within the next two years. We are aware that this a very broad answer but it is the best we can do with the data currently available to us.

Comment below if you want to see Fifty Shades Free available on Netflix ASAP!


  1. Will The Ministry of Utmost Happiness Become a Movie? - OTLSM

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